GeoJournalism is a combination of geographical and journalism concepts aimed at increasing the value of a story to the reader (you). The purpose is to share information in a spatial and visual context. The concept is still under development, but for the time being this site is a platform for the discussion of everything and is working on the basis that "Everything happens somewhere". For the most part it's about science and people, and the stories behind the photos.
Please be aware that some of the content on this site may be confronting to some users, and has been labelled "PG". The reason these images are here is to promote understanding and discussion of some things in the world we try not to think about. No images on this site have been modified in any way from their original form unless captioned otherwise and all images are original.
Please be aware that some of the content on this site may be confronting to some users, and has been labelled "PG". The reason these images are here is to promote understanding and discussion of some things in the world we try not to think about. No images on this site have been modified in any way from their original form unless captioned otherwise and all images are original.